Businesses of the Modern Era thrive on Digital Marketing

It can be quite a hassle to build one’s business and still have to market especially online. Digital marketing has become compulsory whether one realizes it or not. This is why brands especially the ones online are in search of digital marketing managers to sway online traffic in their support. Below are the experts in charge of fueling traffic generation and brand awareness for businesses.

Content Marketing Specialists

These are digital marketing experts that are skilled in keeping readers on the page of your business until they are done reading the available information. Content marketing experts also work on creating contents for blogs to attract the traffic of people interested in the niche that their clients (businesses and brands) operate in. Some content marketers are capable of creating engaging content even on YouTube channels driving the traffic of subscribers onto the channel. The traffic will eventually lead to product procurement and profit for the brands. These specialists do not work in isolation, they work collectively with the brand’s representatives to create contents that will work and deliver success. It can be wasteful if a campaign is launched and does not reach the desired population. This is why content marketing specialists are called in to devise strategies that will prevent the failure of products and campaigns. Promotional contents are created by these professionals to specially target potential clients and create fortunes for the brands as a result.

Social Media Managers

The social media experts are those who maximize content sharing and impressions creation. Digital marketing managers that specialize on social media are skilled in increasing the population of the followership and subscribers of the company’s social media account. These managers create a schedule for releasing social media posts for the brand they work for at the duration of their contract. They also work with content writers and the marketing team to determine the architecture and structure of the contents to be published. This is essential for a successful digital campaign, and only experts are able to design the appropriate keyword density that will improve the traffic.

SEO Managers

These experts are in charge of organic traffic, and they achieve this in some ways like powering the google ranking of the website of the business. Google ranking has become of the crucial factors that enable websites to be found by end-users looking for specific services on the internet. This is the reason SEO managers work on the content of businesses to give them better rankings on Google.  These managers utilize a variety of tactics to promote search engine optimization. Some of these managers liaise with expert writers or content creators to make sure the content being released and hosted on blogs or websites rank high on Google. SEO managers also work with content writers to post social media posts that further advances the ranking of the company or business online.

Digital Marketing Automation Coordinators

These digital marketing automation coordinators tend to use the rates of emails, the frequency of clicks a campaign gets, and the lead generation conversion rate of the traffic visiting a site.  These automation coordinators are in charge of monitoring software programs and the way they influence the success of the digital presence of the company. These specialists also act as analysts to follow the growing trend of businesses they represent. The automation coordinators are also charged with organizing the various digital marketing specialists. Based on the dynamics of successful brands, it is evident that these experts ensure that other digital marketing managers work together. Each group works towards a goal in order to achieve precise results in the industry where the brands are operating. The performance of each campaign is dependent on the skills of these professionals who coordinate and monitor these activities. If there’s a need to improve on any aspect of the campaign or integrate any of the parts, the digital marketing automation coordinators step in and fix it.

The Platform of Platforms is the New Automation Coordinator

It is clear from the above illustrations that having a proper digital marketing team requires much effort. This is why there’s a significant disparity between the start-up companies with limited funds and their counterparts with large capitals. However, that does not have to be an issue any longer. The level of sophistication in the world of information technology has led to a development that overrides the hassle of getting a digital marketing team. Our custom platform, which was developed by top professionals, enables all the digital marketing functions possible. It does not end with that, but goes even further, to carry out the functions of the automated coordinators. This is the reason that the platform of platforms has become the next big deal. If you can leverage the quality of this innovation, even your membership base will benefit immensely. The platform allows you to come to a single unit and enjoy the services of experts that are hard to get with financial commitments. The platform of platforms is still making many businesses grow at unprecedented rates, and many more are leveraging on the value it offers.

Description: Analyzing, Brainstorming, Business

Content marketers are crucial players in the world of digital marketing and business growth. These writers are capable of analyzing the required materials to generate traffic for the profitability of a brand. However, that is not the only aspect of delivering a successful online campaign. The social media marketers are increasingly taking over the terrain of digital marketing. The creativity that is being witnessed is befitting of the technology that social media brings into the world. Although, for social marketing to work efficiently, the liaise with content writers and SEO managers to create a proper structure that drives adequate brand awareness and publicity. SEO managers are the ones that optimize the contents on client’s websites for them to come up on search engines.

All these above experts need to work collectively in a monitored and coordinated environment. As much as there are automation coordinators, we all know human beings are prone to errors. Then, what stops you from leveraging on an innovation, artificial intelligence, and technology like no other, a custom platform that has become the platform of all platforms.

Starting a Tech Company in College

When Bill Gates dropped out of college and later built Microsoft to the most successful brand in the world, many thought it can’t be repeated. However, Mark Zuckerberg achieved the same feat with Facebook. Not so long after, the Snapchat was developed to become another social media giant by Stanford college students, Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown. These are examples of brands that were started in college and have now become exceedingly successful. Setting up a tech company in college is a different ball game when compared to typical businesses. Below are seven (7) things that you will need to consider to commence your business while you are still in the college.

1. Coding Skill is of Utmost Importance

You want to be able to have mastered your coding skills before venturing into any tech business. The above examples of successful college students were not without their legal controversies. The Snapchat case was one filled with Brown claiming rights over the creative inputs while the ones currently in charge of the company are those with the coding skills. Spiegel and Murphy only paid him a small fraction of their equity as a pay-off. You ought to either figure out how to begin coding now or invest the majority of your energy creating associations with experts you can learn from. Adapting adequate coding skills will empower you to interpret your ideas efficiently.

2. Identify your Target Market at the Beginning

If you begin with your target market and work in reverse, you’ll be bound to develop a brand that reverberates with the target market. This will also lead to an increasingly remarkable comprehension of any changes or warnings in the way the brand is perceived. This is not to deter you from having creative freedom, but it helps when you have identified the needs of a cohort and deliver the product to solve that problem.

3. Evaluation and Analytics of your Product

In the past traditional businesses utilizes feedback from potential customers. However, modern times have seen the use of digital marketing tools to access market needs, strength, and demands. It goes further even to project the possible reaction of the end-users that is likely to occur. Don’t just go ahead with your business based on subjective input, but try to approve it with quantitative research. It is extraordinary if individuals state that they like your site, that they would purchase whatever it is you’re putting forth, or use it all the time. However, this does not directly translate into the actions that will be taken or predict the future accurately. Using landing sites and infographics has become one of the leading methods to carry out almost perfect market research.

4. The Priority of a Start-up should be Growth and not Instant Wealth

This is an essential knowledge for start-ups, especially at the beginning of the business, you have to concentrate on development and growth. The wealth will follow consequently on the long-run. When a business grows steadily at about 5 percent weekly, it will grow to become a formidable brand eventually.

5. Beat the Best to Become the Best

Starting from college gives a lot of opportunities for a business. The established businesses most likely take you for granted, and expectations are quite low. Most established businesses offer their criticism, commendations, and training if approached by someone still in college. In order to be a leader in your sector, you learn the secrets of the best in your industry. Even though you can learn a lot from reading, the greater part of the crucial data that you will learn from is out there. As you start your tech company, there are much to be learned from the leaders of successful businesses around you. You will be told about the mistakes they made, you will receive education on the way they reacted to their challenges. Also, you will be exposed to their achievements and how they achieved them.

6. Product-Market Fit

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Product-Market fit is the only thing that is essential at the early stages of a tech startup. When Facebook was beginning, it the interface was not as developed as it looks now. However, that was good enough for the age it started and aided the required growth in its business. The main thing that you ought to be concentrating your resources on is the product-market fit. When the product-market fit is in place, then your customer base becomes larger, then revenue generation can now become the next focus.

7. Don’t be a Coward

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Incredible things can emerge out of a child who is innocent and mostly doesn’t know any better. They don’t know how industry functions or how things are done, so they do what they think may work. A great example of this was portrayed in the musical, The Greatest Showman, where the idea of a live Circus came from his daughters. Children end up making an idea that nobody would have conceived in the market because it appears to be unreasonable. However, some of these ideas become very lucrative.

If you are lucky to still have any of your childish adventurousness left, do not be a coward, go for it. Learning drives everything, if you don’t know a concept right now, you can learn it and perfect it afterward. It is easier to take calculated risks now that you are still in the college. There are little or no responsibilities, if you are not married yet, no children, only student’s loan, then this is the time. If you want to wait to graduate and you are debt free, it may be too late.

The only way to know if you will succeed or fail is by trying. If you are going to fail, why not fail forward. Talent alone is not enough, you have to develop your skills. Operating in the tech business, you must be a solution provider. The faster you do this, the better for your growth and that of your business. Nothing should stand in your way, not even your fears, most times facing your fears not only makes you stronger, but wealthier.

How To Start A Tech Company

A tech company is the type of business whose primary aim is to develop, manufacture technology, and provide technology as a service to people. This type of business has a wide range, and it can involve business relating to digital electronics, e-commerce services, manufacture of software, and other internet-based services. Examples of tech companies include giants such as Apple, Samsung, Google, Amazon, eBay and so on. The bigger the company, the more they spend on research and development. However, these companies didn’t start with billions or millions of dollars. They started little and built their companies to the point that their product started attracting investors. This article would focus on how you can start your tech company.

What Makes A Tech Company?

The definition of a tech company is pretty straight forward. You should consider yourself a tech company if you earn your income by applying information technology, or scientific knowledge in solving problems.

How To Successfully Start A Tech Company

The success story of tech companies is different and peculiar. However, there is a common denominator to all of them, which is motivation. All the successful companies have had their share of doubts, failure, disappointments, tribulations, milestones and so on. However, one thing they all share is that they kept working, and stayed motivated to remain on their course. Below are some of the ways you can start your tech company:

  1. Create your product: This might seem obvious, but it is essential. Your focus and energy should on creating the best product you can make. Studies have shown that building a product represents about 30% of the job. The other 70% of the job focuses mainly on the business side which includes marketing, sales, customer support and service to customers. The kind of product has to be good, and something people would want to buy. If it’s a new thing, then you’d have to find a way to present it to people that it’s a product they can’t live without.
  2. Ask for help: You should not hesitate to ask for help if you’re stuck. In a lot of cases, two or more heads are better than one. You could seek for the input of someone who you think would add and give a significant boost to the quality of the product. You should also present your product to trusted friends or relatives and get their honest feedback.
  3. Employ sales staff and engineers: A lot of tech companies hire sales staff and engineers for their immediate needs. However, this should not be the case, as it doesn’t support growth. You should employ workers based on where you see your product in the next one to 2 years. Although, this is not to say you should run yourself into debt because you want to hire a huge staff. This should be done within your budget. You have to find a way to maintain a balance. A lot of companies kill their growth potential because they only employ workers based on their current needs. You should do the exact opposite of that.
  4. Maintain your focus: Most companies generally have two identities, and this includes the service and the product. However, the most successful companies choose one for their vision and allow it to guide the decisions they make moving forward. If you select the product, then you ensure the products you create and sell to the public are unique and different from one they’re used to.
  • Start regardless: The truth is you can never be really ready to start anything. There is always new information flying around. So regardless of what you want to do, be it products creation, sales, hiring, how to market, and so on. You should start as soon you’ve acquired the relevant and best information you can get. A lot of companies are held back by consistently seeking better information, and not executing. Companies grow by making plans and carrying them out, not waiting for the perfect information. This is not to discourage the value of information. However, the point is to start executing the ideas you already have, and not waiting for a better one.
  • Fail: Failure is part of growth, this is why it’s important to experience quick failures. The best thing about failing is that it allows you to make corrections, and improve your product. You should never allow failure discourage your path. The most valuable tech companies in the world now have had their shares of failure, but the world doesn’t remember that. They only get to the see the good and shiny side. However, you should know to stop. If your product has a little chance of survival or has a high chance of failing again, you should when to call it to quit, unless you really believe you can make it work.
  • Don’t compromise your work: One of the things that kill newly started tech companies is a compromise. They get to attract a customer and keep modifying their product to satisfy that one customer’s needs. This eventually kills the company. It’s important to always focus on your vision, and why you started the company. You should never change your goal because of the needs of a particular customer. This usually starts as something trivial, until it gradually builds up into something that could undermine the success of the company.
  • Marketing: As mentioned earlier, building your product represents just about 30% of the job. Marketing your product to potential buyers is the difficult part of the job. The job starts after finishing building your product. People have to know you, and what you do. A lot of tech companies that were able to raise a lot of money even before launching the product usually spends a lot of money on advertisement. Not having money for marketing puts you in some sort of disadvantage. However, this would help you learn how to market your product, and increase your audience organically. The best way to go about this is finding your target market online, and find your way into such places. This includes social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and so on. You can also develop a mutually beneficial partnership with some companies that rely on the type of product or service you provide.


How To Start A Tech Company With No Money. (2019). Retrieved from

Huddleston, R. (2019). From Idea to Successful Tech Company in 8 Steps. Retrieved from

Ten Reasons You Need our Custom Platform

The custom platform may not be entirely new, but the amount of research that been thrown into digital marketing. Goals for business are essential, and a good platform that is unique in its operations, as well as tactics, is vital to such a move.

1. You don’t have a Structure

It has become evident that organizations without an advanced procedure and policies don’t have a reasonable vital objective for what they need to accomplish online as far as generating new traffic of clients as well as creating lasting and formidable relationships with existing ones. The secret of businesses that have thrived over the years is hinged on their structure and culture. When a company is built without those core values, even then, there is little or no way the business won’t crash eventually. Whether you’re accomplishing those objectives on the short term, you will soon realize that you need a proper system to grow your business. This where the platform of platforms come in play.

2. There won’t be an Accurate Evaluation of your Online Traffic

Client interest for online administrations might be thought little of in the event that you haven’t inquired about this. It is essential to know the industry you are building your business in properly as this will assist in managing your business better. There are extraordinary apparatuses accessible from the fundamental computerized stages where we can discover the dimension of client requests. One of the ways successful brands carry out evaluations is by a thorough analysis utilizing Google’s Keyword Planner. In order to perceive how you are taking advantage of the searchers to draw in them to your site, or monitor of what number of individuals desire the brand, Facebook IQ is also capable of enabling such analysis.

3. You will be Overrun in the Industry

The strength of any sector is its competitiveness, and the world of the internet is one of the most competitive. In case you’re not dedicating enough assets as well as skills to advanced promoting, or you’re utilizing an impromptu methodology with no characterized systems, at that point, your rivals will overtake you, and you will be thrown out of business.

4. Your Business is Devoid of Adequate Incentive and Attraction

An unmistakably characterized online client incentive customized to your diverse target client personas will enable you to separate your online administration empowering existing and new clients from connecting at first and remaining faithful. Building up a focused structure and promoting a standardized system is vital to this target. In most cases, content is the thing that draws in your followership through various channels like search engines, social media, email advertising and on your blog.

5. Not knowing your Clientele

Google Analytics and comparative will just reveal to you volumes of visits, not the conclusion of guests, what they think. You have to utilize other types of digital analytics to distinguish your frailty and afterward address them. However, with our custom platform, you get that all in one package. This empowers you with the knowledge of your customer base and what they respond to in your business.

6. The Lack of a Stellate Platform

Advanced tactics of promoting online presence are mostly finished in storehouses whether that is a professional or not, sitting in IT or a different computerized office. It’s less demanding than the approach to have a board of experts in big firms working on the digital marketing of a company. Obviously, it’s less powerful and efficient, but it gets the job done. Everybody concurs that advanced media work best when coordinated with customary models. We generally prescribe building up an incorporated digital advertising platform, and once you have achieved success, it remains useful in terms of monitoring and evaluation.

7. The Deficiency of Individualized Digital Marketing

The digital marketing tools will be committed to both arranging and executing e-advertising. Based on the tasks already saddled to the director of digital marketing or the expert in charge of using the tools, few things may be lacking. In fact, at some point, it serves as a distraction for the brand’s digital marketing manager. This may result in a lack of threat prevention when the time arises.

8. You’re squandering Cash and Time through Duplication

Regardless of whether you do have an adequate asset, it might be squandered especially in the wrong ventures. This is especially the situation in more prominent organizations where you see distinctive parts of the promoting traffic generation tools for performing comparative web-based tasks. However, it can be quite tricky, except using the platform of platforms that is specially designed for such purposes.

Description: Target Group, Advertising, Buyer

9. The Leaders of the Industry are Indomitable

In the event that you start your business and you are overwhelmed at the level of development of the market-leading businesses. Brands that have stood the test of time are not easily dethroned. However, you stand a much better chance of disrupting the industry with our custom platform.

10. Content Optimization Alone is Ineffective

Each organization with a site will have evaluations however numerous senior directors don’t guarantee that their groups set aside a few minutes to audit and follow up on them. If a system works when it comes to digital marketing others, tend to copy the strategy. However, content optimization is not the only way of driving traffic to one’s channel again. This is why the platform of platforms remains the only way to take charge, penetrate the market and grow.

The challenge of most brands is not the lack of desire to do the right to move the business forward. The challenge they face is not having the right measures and key technology to drive the progress. Our custom platform stands out in the market and saves resources while the potential to multiply the capital is even higher. Investment or talent is not enough, and you need a constant upgrade to stay in business. The platform of platforms is fresh and instrumental in balancing all challenges and providing results nonetheless. Get our custom platform and transform your business.

Digital Marketing on a Different Level

Some techniques are used in digital marketing to drive traffic and create massive awareness for brands. They are all used to supplement the individual means employed in marketing products, services, and brands online. This is the reasons individuals skilled in utilizing those tools are in high demand in the digital marketing turf.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

What SEO does for sites is to put them out there in every basic search made on the related topic and field. The benefit of using this technique appropriately enhances the rating of the website across the search engines. Therefore, when people carry out searches online, the websites that are brought out are those with the best rating on the field inputted.  The search engines are one of the common ways people get to websites, even when they have not been to any of those sites before. The act of increasing the amount of traffic on websites, which leads to people potentially becoming customers is what makes SEO such a vital tool in digital marketing.

Based on the above enumerations brands seeking to get more clients, can use SEO to get more traffic to their websites. In doing that, the profitability of the products and services they offer will tremendously improve. Nowadays, people have explored the use of blogs in promoting brands, products, and services. These blogs can also use search engine optimization to improve the level of publicity they have, and their finances will get better.

Social Media Marketing

This is an inevitable mode of marketing because it permeates what can be considered the market of this era. Times have evolved, and the flow of communication now thrives mostly through social media. The amount of untapped potential resources in the social media market that are still available remains to be seen.

There are several social media channel that one can market on, either paid adverts or by subtle content creation which can be posted for free on the social media account of the brand being marketed. Social media is very popular that almost everyone is conversant with more than one of them. Facebook has been around for a while, and audio-visual advertisements are being hosted on it from time to time. Some franchises use boosted tweets on Twitter to power their brand awareness. Also, ads can be placed on Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, Snapchat, and Pinterest as well.

PPC – Pay-Per-Click

This method of digital marketing entails using the resources of others to promote your brand. This is what commenced the revolution of digital marketing in the early stages. It works by using publishers to host your adverts on their page, and they get paid every time such adverts are clicked by the traffic on their site.

Google led this aspect of digital marketing through Google AdWords. When customers search on Google, some paid adverts appear on the top of the search results. These adverts are paid for, and they are search results too, but they occupy the top slots of the searches made on the field.

Some of those adverts have links that will redirect you to the brand being advertised. The chances of making sales, and getting clients increases with the number of visits from such links. New social media brands such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have also entered into the market of PPC.

Affiliate Marketing

This mode of digital marketing is similar to Pay-Per-Click. However, it differs on the terms that the publishers are only paid after a product sale has been made. In some other instances, the publishers also get paid when services are booked. Therefore, when you create a product, and you have a video to increase awareness of such value, such can be hosted by other people who are affiliates or partners. Some affiliates have personal websites, while some use their YouTube channel in propagating products for other people, and the rest use their social media followership base as leverage for traffic generation.

Digital Marketing Managers

Digital marketing has grown and developed so much that there are experts for specific ones. Digital marketing managers and consultants that specialize in unique niches are SEO managers, content marketing specialists, social media managers, and marketing automation coordinators. However, some individuals are capable of handling most of those digital marketing tools to drive traffic and profit. However, why go through so much stress while you can have a platform that gives you all of them in a systematic and efficient prototype.

Our Custom Platform ensures Success in Digital Marketing

In order to solve the problem of having to chase the services of so many managers to carry out the digital marketing for your company, our custom platform was created. This platform was created to provide the specialized tools on one system. The availability of this unique platform allows every aspect of the digital marketing of your business all in one place. This ensures that progress and evaluation will be focused and monitoring easier.

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You don’t have to act like amateurs who may still assume that only one mode of digital marketing is necessary for success in online business or any form of online marketing. The era of just using excellent content to promote one’s business has been overtaken. These days you need much more than that if you don’t know that already, now you do. There are many intricacies involved in a proper digital brand campaign, and many experts are needed. Although, using a specialized platform built by IT and market experts using unrivaled modern tech dramatically enhances your chance of staging a proper digital brand campaign. The platform of platforms ensures that all your worries go out of the window, and you can focus on business proper.

Our custom platform can be obtained by people promoting mobile apps, blogs, and websites. The platform of platforms is a leader in transforming markets and traffic generation has never been this easy. The “platform of platforms” powers a framework that allows its users to get the appropriate resources and features, which will raise revenue generation at a rate unprecedented.

The Platform to Scale the Pitfalls

The world’s economy has been through booms and downfalls, which significantly impacted the unemployment rates across the globe. It is increasingly difficult to find a job following graduation; more importantly, higher education is becoming more and more critical for employees in all industries. This has given rise to entrepreneurs, but the challenge of building businesses is equally steep. However, successful businesses have something in common, which is a disruption model. Whether they are new or they have been in the market for an extended period, the ones that stand the test of time, introduce new models that change the way their industry is run. While the new ones may introduce a formidable model of carrying out the business, reaching clients, and satisfying them, becoming the leaders of their industry as a consequence.

Disruption in the Digital Age                                                     

Disruption is a process that sets events into motion and ushers in a new form of doing business. Commoditization will set in, and only those with qualified personnel and integrated technology will become a force to reckon with, in the new market. Establishments providing specific services that span across several areas at a cost-effective price will keep springing up, reducing the clientele available in the marketplace for the big organizations, still operating by the traditional models.

Description: Paper, Business, Document, Analysis

For example, more operations like costing analysis will move towards the trend of automation increasingly in the finance sector. The market is seeing the emergence of business models like the value-added process business models and facilitated network structure in the field management. Facilitated network business model is gradually overtaking the traditional solution shops structure. Clients only need to pay for the services of these new businesses and they, in turn, pay the recruits who make the services into reality.

Digital Marketing and Market Control

Digital marketing is made up of marketing strategies that will drive traffic and consumers online. The result of this approach is to reach people on their electronic devices through the internet. You can imagine how much transactions will be done and profit raked in by firms and franchises. People require unique platforms that they can leverage on to direct and guide them through the means of digital channels to reach their end-users. Some of the digital channels include search engines like,,, etc.

Description: Icon, Social Media, Linkedin, Facebook

Some platforms allow businesses to connect with their clients on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Snapchat, Whatsapp, and Pinterest. Some other platforms use channels like email, and websites to good use in addition to other digital channels. Digital marketing is instrumental in reaching out to current customers and bring in new potential end-users.

To be successful with the use of digital marketing, it is imperative to determine the direction each digital marketing campaign will target. It is based on such focus that the digital marketing is designed and released. The beauty of the opportunity available online is such that there are free channels that allow for strategic marketing, as well as, those that require payments to host the marketing campaigns.

Successful Digital Marketing is More than a Great Content

If you are interested in publicizing your book for instance, and you don’t want to go through the hassle of marketing and monitoring its publicity. You only need to use our custom platform and watch the progress of your campaign, based on the books you sell. Usually, you may have to write extra sets of blog posts. Those blog posts will now be used in generating leads for your book, which by now, you would have to be converted to an ebook.  Then you will have to worry about managing the social media accounts of the book, as they are essential in promoting the book.

You can see there’s much more to just creating engaging content and believing that once you get a Google ranking that is excellent, you are done, it is only one aspect of the process. Even the blog posts would have to be advertised on paid and organic channels to put them out there. In other cases, some others will also create ads that will be sent via email to send to those who are interested in getting a copy of the ebook. The ads will contain extra information on your ebook. You can see that there are many more things to digital marketing than just a good article or high-ranking blog post. It is for reasons like this that companies and individuals succeeding in getting their products and services out there choose our custom platform.

Common Digital Marketing Strategies

There are tactics employed by the leaders of the digital marketing sector when making a campaign viral and profitable. There are a few steps that have to be taken without which you may not be as successful. However, you only need to leverage on our platform of platforms, and your worries are obliterated.

It is one thing to know the steps, and another to the associated channels.

•    Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This strategy targets the rankings of the search engines, and the goal is to be one of the highest-ranking sites. The channels that use this strategy are blogs, websites, and infographics

•    Content Marketing: This has to do with promoting one’s content, and traffic drive, the channels connected to content marketing are similar to that of the SEO. In addition to those involved with SEO, there are ebooks and whitepapers.

•    Social Media Marketing: The power of connecting to the population of people on social media is becoming key in making businesses profitable. The channels are arguably more popular and familiar. You have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Snapchat.

•    Pay-Per-Click (PPC): This is probably one of the oldest methods of digital marketing. You pay a fixed amount every time anyone clicks your campaign. The channel that is perhaps synonymous to this strategy is Google Adwords, but there are new players in the market such as Paid ads on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

•    Affiliate Marketing: This mode of online advertisement has been popular for a while as well. People hosts websites and advertise other people’s products as an affiliate, and they get a commission from it. The channels for doing this can be through affiliate links on websites, hosting video ads on sites, YouTube channels, or social media accounts.

Other noteworthy strategies are as follows:

•    Native Advertising

•    Marketing Automation

•    Email Marketing

•    Online PR

•    Inbound Marketing

Our custom platform was formed from a thorough knowledge of digital marketing. Hence, the need to develop a platform that will organize all these features and deliver them to businesses to grow. Reach out to us now, and leverage on an innovation like no other. Get the Platform of Platforms.

Digital Marketing, Infiltrative Technology

There is an opening in the industry for new businesses to flourish. This was caused by disruption creeping into the system, giving the opportunities for new players to provide services at a cost-effective rate for both parties. Disruption is a process, and what drives it in this modern era is technology, termed disruptive technology, which changes the way operations are typically done.

For instance, value-added process business models in the management sector and facilitated network business models are emerging, infiltrating the consulting and law industry gradually, whereby displacing the traditional solution shops. Businesses that want to remain competitive needs to use their experience of the sector, and intensify the implementation of its branching out. Constant reviews, streamlined job description, new staffing models, customer-friendly charges, and integration of IT, are ways to remain competitive and innovative in this industry.

The Need for a Custom Platform

However, the more likely to yield the best result is digital marketing. Integration of information technology produces enhanced performances when used in any field. It is challenging to switch models, as the idea keeps being scrutinized until there is stability and it yields results. The leaders of businesses have to be visionaries in directing the change and utilize corporate diplomacy in dealing with clients. Big companies, small-scale businesses, and start-ups will not only achieve greater heights in any industry when changes happen, but there are chances that they will become a leading enterprise.

Fast food franchises have achieved a lot in terms of remaining true to their vision and ambition of serving the world to the best of their ability. CEOs have endeavored to carry on the philosophy of the establishment. Remarkable leadership style has been shown, and prospective planning theories explored. Fast food corporations require an appropriate planning structure to execute a leadership style such as the transformational one. The franchisees may also tap into these roles of leadership and influence the required change and satisfaction the employee require. Satisfying their customers is one thing, but reaching out to a larger potential market is even more necessary and possible. This is where the value of digital marketing comes to play.

Digital Marketing Transforms Businesses

    Digital marketing is the new avenue that companies use in generating massive awareness for their products and services. This amazing tactic enables the brand to get widespread popularity that adds to their consumer base. If your customers keep increasing, your portfolio expands concurrently. Lead generation opens up new market as the needs of people are targeted, and brought to the comfort of their device. Social media marketing has come to stay, but a platform that assists in harnessing the full potential of the opportunity will even provide more profit. There’s more to just trusting in having an email, a website, and a social media account. You need the full package and a complete advertisement that connects to the customers and gets the desired sales accomplished.

The benefit of the Platform of Platforms

Our custom platform monitors specific indicators and allows you to see how your business is performing overall. Imagine having to employ or pay for the services of an SEO manager or a digital marketer when you can get that job done by leveraging on our custom platform. Our custom platform brings all the result to your comfort and allows you to adjust anything to your preference. The platform tracks the visitors, the number of interests, the potential sales, and you have the next steps of possible actions to move to the next level.

Description: Samsung, Samsung Galaxy, Galaxy, Phone

Digital marketing covers everything about online marketing strategies that attract customers, satisfies customers, and convince potential clients. The good thing about using digital marketing is that it can be used to create awareness and traffic for any brand, product, or services.

Digital Marketing against Market Forces

Mostly, the macro-environmental forces that affect the customer reach of businesses are demographics and cultural influences. When you think of it, the number of young people always on the internet is tremendous. The current culture is to be online, on social media, get feeds, information, and shop online. Some people virtually survive daily by placing orders, reading news, and doing so many other activities on the internet. This is why this has become the next cultural trend of the new generation.

According to a study carried out on the effect of cultural and generational cohorts on consumer ethics, it was evident that there is a connection between the two factors. The way people make their decisions on purchasing goods and services is mainly as a result of their age group and their cultural backgrounds. In situations where the consumption of products is to be determined by clarifications between religious and ethical beliefs, it often happens that the religious ideas predominate consumer ethics.

The Potential Market of the Millennials

Description: Entrepreneur, Lifestyle, Millennial

However, another research shows that millennials who are considered to be people between the ages of 18 and 35 are less religious when compared to other generations. By virtue of that factor, millennials are prone to follow their instincts when buying anything as regards to consumer ethics. Therefore, any business trying to breakthrough in any sector requires being online where the action goes down.

Digital Marketing is Much More than a Good Content

Just putting out a great article is simply not enough. However, allowing experts that have carried out background research on major target markets, will make your business grow. Yet, you don’t have to pay to recruit a table full of experts, whose wages are enough to make you bankrupt.

The digital age comes with its benefit, and that is fitting an entire company on a working platform. This is what gave rise to the creation of the platform of platforms. The system has been built from the resources and knowledge of sound research, which will ease the journey of any business. Digital marketing on this platform is not a random gimmick; rather it is a strategic move borne out of information, trends, and facts.

A Platform driving Globalization

It’s not every day you come across a platform like this, and that’s just being modest. The likelihood of having heard about such technology is most likely unprecedented. The world is changing, and only those who evolve alongside will become the new leaders of their economic niche. There are quite a number of management methods for building a successful business. Moreover, if information technology has gone as far as making an entire board operational on a platform, then success is only a click away.

A Technology that makes you Competitive

Competitiveness in any industry is vital in time for the best innovation to be produced. The concept of having ideas and innovation being tested against each other, to see the one that best drives evolution is the core of major development. The challenge of most startups is how to make products stand out and win the market as well as the heart of the customers. How can you make that happen, without being exceptionally gifted or talented? One can also look for those that are either skilled or experienced in conquering markets. Although, if there was a platform that already has the markings, the makings, and the technology of a genius mind, what more are you looking for in the world?

The most lucrative businesses are built out of genius minds in the corner of the world before it took over the globe and became renowned. Such information used to far-fetched, but now they are more accessible from the comfort of the internet. Doubts are inevitable, being curious and inquisitive may get the better of you, so they say, but you need to make calculated risks.

The Platform of Platforms

 This custom platform allows you to do things that you would need a team of professionals to execute. The custom platform enables you to carry out your operations without bugs or glitches. The systematic approach of the platform well outlined with the welcome pack that accompanies the platform makes your job easy and smooth. Diminishing return is inevitable when it comes to business, well not with this platform. As difficult as it is to believe, it is a fact, traditional models have this flaw, but contemporary business models have moved past that weakness.  

The art of keeping customers has been the most sought-after technique, secret, or you may say magic, which every business owner seeks to own. Attracting clients, consumers, or customers is one thing, it is a great deal of effort to have them for life. There are firms that have boasted that it is all about having human relations and building bonds that surpasses the immediate interactions. Some others believe it is how well each interaction is managed, customer satisfaction at every turn.

However, right from the primordial era, predators, hunters, and buyers only return to a site or a position, just if and when they are certain to meet the desired outcome. It is the way our brain is wired as humans, our brain notes and desires pleasurable events, and as a consequence wants a repeat of it.

This logic makes the above ideas correct, customer satisfaction, remarkable friendships, and bonds. However, when you are certain that you can find security in a situation or place, you tend to have a great preference for that to happen again naturally. There are several levels of security a person craves, and financial security is one of the topmost. This is the reason people frequent casinos and gambling machines even with the taxes imposed on most of them.

The Brain Picks Clicks

Imagine if people go to a place or to a site that sells the chance to make money, how much more will they go if they are sure. This may sound like a ludicrous idea, but if you are sure you’ll make some money by clicking on adverts, watching videos, reading contents, playing games, taking surveys, and even shopping, you are more likely to perform such actions again. This is one of the ideas that psychologists have explored to add to the genius of our custom platform. 

A Platform in a Class of its Own

The “platform of platforms” is built with a framework that allows its users to use features that that enables it to maximize profits, traffic generation, and sustenance. There is innate monitoring that allows thorough follow-up for the clients and their customers. There are backups for every mix-up or difficulty that may be experienced due to unforeseen circumstances, despite the highest level of sophistication and expertise in-built in the platform. Our custom platform is a pacesetter among the IT solutions being paraded in the market, and it is available exclusively for those ready to power through online income acquisition.

The Platform that takes your Business to the Next Level

This is a platform that utilizes a technology that allows B2B sites to carry out businesses and back transactions between individuals and companies. Our custom platform has a unique loyalty program that benefits users in fantastic ways. Online generation of income has a new face, and it is through the platform of platforms. There’s probably no better time for you to bet on yourself and make your plans see the light of the day. Many have experimented and failed, but none has the amount of potential our custom platform is capable of. The level of success that has been projected achievable with this platform can accommodate every client that we take on to be able to push to their limit and beyond.

From online global domination to financial security, the platform of platforms gets you there. The secret however to changing the way business is run online and attracting traffic of end-users is finding a financial value for their time. This is what the platform of platforms has effectively brought into reality. Typically people go searching for a secret to triumph, but the secret ingredient is right here for everyone to benefit from and take advantage of as much as possible.

The Platform of the New Age

Have you been working on a unique way to create a fun, interactive app that benefits all the involved parties in a significant way? Alternatively, are you trying to create trying to grow your business online and you are looking for the next technology that will propel your business into the spotlight? What if I tell you about a system, where the developer is credited for an innovative job, the brand owner automatically gets the rare privilege of bringing to the world the company’s product through a digital outlet that is unprecedented. The platform of platforms offers a reward-based advertising, starter packs for software developers, portals, templates, and a system that allows for effective collaboration as well as consultancy. The whole system is set up to provide support and progress all the way.

The Revolution of the New Age

Our custom platform gives app developers, app publishers, web designers, content creators, B2B websites, and many others the chance to create great applications. These apps provide opportunities that allow brand owners and customers to have a pleasant experience, customer satisfaction, and superb service. The platform of platforms gives a profound opportunity for geeks, entrepreneur interns, and financial giants looking to overtake their counterparts or predecessors into the future of mobile application, digital marketing, and monetization takeover.

Description: Businessman, Internet, Continents

The Global Transformation of the Workplace

Who would think the time would come when being a graduate does not suffice for getting a job? The world is changing, and the marketplace is undergoing evolution. The marketplace is evolving, and only technical skills are no longer adequate for employment. IT professionals are now expected to have interpersonal skills and other skills that benefit the employers and their establishments as a whole. The need for developing employability skills is gradually becoming widespread, and it is taking over every sector. The only difference from one industry to another is the requirements of a specific set of attributes in preference to another.

A Platform that allows Withdrawals

What if you don’t need all that and someone has already put in place a system that all you need to do is apply your skills and expertise and the rest will generically work out and yield results. The beauty of our custom platform is in the integration of the platform’s cryptocurrency and tokens, which is in the very essence of the monetization of the mobile app community, and diverse customer base, it seeks to serve. The chance of accruing real wealth has never been presented to the world like this before by any other company. This is not just the usual or typical digital coins or bonuses that add no value to you apart from what it serves on the game app.

Play Hard, Get Rich

There are lots of people who make money consistently from the comfort of their homes, who says you cannot be part of them. Nowadays gamers are also making money by playing games, but there are still people who love their games but are not being paid for that. Imagine a platform that allows you to spend your earnings after playing a game on your mobile phone. Those moments when you are merely trying to pass time from one station to another, or while waiting for an appointment or a friend, just imagine you can be getting richer just like that. A new platform with special features that have combined the fluidity of the online economy in forms of the cryptocurrency with the large customer base of the gaming world, creating a new stream of revenue. Have you ever checked the leaderboards of the game on your laptop or mobile phone, can you imagine having a platform that can harness that potential market and make it real. Our custom platform not only creates such an opportunity but provides the infrastructure that ensures its functionality at an optimal level.

Grow Your Business Exponentially with this Unique Platform

The amazing products that our custom platform creates have given its users a significant level of trust based on the extensive security it also brings to the table. Security issues have plagued giants the internet in recent times, Facebook had their own share of the calamity. A lot of their members had their privacy blown, as much as it was fixed promptly, it was unpalatable. The security system provided by our custom platforms for the mobile phones is one of a kind. Android devices have a unique system of security that is ensured by the TrustZone. If you are not using an Android device, you are not left out either, the Apple phones enjoys the Secure Enclave Processor (SEP) on the iOS, which blocks any form of interference or breach to the system.

All this ensures that your privacy and your fortune are kept secure in your personal portfolio. This cryptocurrency being used for financial interactions is well protected in the personal cryptowallet provided on our custom platform and available for you to spend once your access codes are used. The platform of platforms is powered by artificial intelligence that can only be found with big tech companies. The custom platform enjoys the tested and trusted innovations as well as the solutions that individual team member have accrued over the years, already in their previous.

A Smart Way to Resolve Dispute

In addition, there are smart contracts made available on the platform. This is for fraud detection as well as ways to resolve disputes that gives everyone immediate solutions in case of any misunderstanding, fraud, or breach of contract. It is not uncommon to see situations where businesses do not go as planned or where a customer has a problem, the smart contract provides a basis of action and resolution. The platform of platforms is backed by an exceptional team of experts and advisors who are the best in their fields. The team has put in outstanding work, which they have garnered from experience gained from other innovations they have been a part of, and success they have achieved over the years.

This is why you should not hesitate but take a leap of faith based on the analysis of the critics and the testimonies of those who dared and be a part of the revolution. Don’t be left behind, the future is already passing you by, make a fortune by leveraging on our custom platform.

The Power of Social Media in Online Businesses

Social media operates on such a value system that allows an individual to drop a post that adds to the publicity of a brand. The unique opportunity that is brought to the table through the use of our platform is the token-system being utilized by our exclusive custom platform. People who leverage on our “platform of platforms” increase their portfolio for every reaction that the post attracts and generates.

Imagine how many people looking to go online and enjoy or develop creative contents, by getting that demand met, there will be an increase in reactions, and they’ll be enriched with the platform’s cryptocurrency. As a result, lots of people will become interested and obliged to utilize such a fantastic innovation.

The Benefit of the Social Media Memberships

This is a massive way for social networking brands to foster and improve the participation of their members. Also, this avenue allows for the involvement of the end users interested in content creation. You don’t want to be one of those social network apps that would be eventually phased out or playing catchup as a result of not leveraging on our custom platform. There are very few platforms that provide a beginner’s kit which integrates you into the system seamlessly.

Smart Contracts for Online Security and Dispute Settlement

The introduction of smart contracts is crucial for fraud detections and fraud prevention, especially for such a large market that our “platform of platforms” serves. This is the next big thing as regards avoiding cases of customer dissatisfaction. It was born out of a well-researched solution for dispute prevention among clients, buyers, and membership base.

Increase your Income and Publicity with this Incredible Innovation

You get a happy customer when you give away bonuses, this has been evident in a lot of businesses and cases. In addition, it has been proven that most customers that have benefitted from one form of bonus offer or the other are more likely to return to a shop. Customers do this in order to get a new chance of enjoying another bonus. Also, brands that are known for giving discounts make more profit overall. What market research reveals is that customers are quickly drawn to such establishments, and they spread the word to their community rapidly. This, in turn, creates a stream of sales and income for these establishments.

Location-based Businesses with Online Presence

The idea of extending favors like this tends to be frowned upon by some authorities, as it may appear to affect the maximization of profits. However, imagine when this can be done regarding location-based businesses that have an online presence by merely introducing token rewards. The customers that have been loyal get to be given token rewards in the form of cryptocoins, which increases their hunger for more cryptocoins as they increase their patronage of the brands as a result.

Our custom platform gives the necessary backing to this system, and it is run by a technology that is intrinsic to the functioning of the platform as it branches directly into the world of cryptocurrencies and online revenue. This offers clients that utilize our unique platform to tap into buyer loyalty programs, which are available through the diverse use of the token gifts given to those customers that visit the retailers, brands, and websites devotedly.

The Monetization of our Custom Platform                                                                                   

The online economy of our custom platform has not neglected the real bank accounts or currencies, rather it aims to avoid the error of not evolving with the behavior of mobile users. Since, most operations carried out online, as well as, online contents aim to sell goods and/or services, an easily accessible legal tender is required. This is why our custom platform seeks to eradicate the challenge of being limited to physical accounts, thus the introduction of the cryptocurrency.

The token being used on the platform will serve as a currency used for the exchange and purchase of virtual goods in the online app community, which will be secured by the added access to the platform’s crypto wallet. The monetization of our platform in this way, not only benefits the clients that primarily leverages on our platform to build a massive membership base, but also, becomes a revenue stream for the end users. This unique opportunity will soon rule the way online businesses are carried out, thus allowing clients to spend what they have earned in exchange for virtual goods and/or services.

The Deal Breaker of Making Money Online

The Trick to Growing your Online Business that has eluded so far is available on our custom platform. If you have been seeking for that tool or innovation that will boost your sales as well as your publicity, then you have been searching for this recipe. In order to crown it all up, it delivers both vital elements remarkably. If you own a physical store, a brand, a franchise, or retail store, use our platform’s tokens to retain and boost the existing customer base, while your financial base skyrockets as well.

Description: Gold, Cryptocurrency, Money, Finance

There’s more to getting traffic online and making more money. Times have changed, evolution is a constant phenomenon in this terrain, and if you are to survive, then you have to adapt accordingly. High-quality content is no longer enough, there is a need for more incentives to draw membership to your online community. Engaging people that click on your page takes a little professionality and the sophistication of a technology.

The Next Evolution is Here!

Globalization is one factor that works best online because every community is global as a virtue of the internet. This is why it is vital that you belong to a platform that eases your stress, and augments your skill in the process. Therefore, focusing on just an aspect of excellence doesn’t do it any longer, before your business gets left behind, you need to join the next bandwagon of online business with a revolutionary platform.

If you want viral, you want increased revenue, then you have to do leverage on our “platform of platforms.” The “platform of platforms” is here to solve problems that have been considered normal. Our custom platform provides countless benefits that help startups thrive in such a competitive business without expending too many resources.