The Platform Like No Other

Our custom platform is one of the most popular monetization platforms among the global community, it ranks behind only a few leaders of the sector. The “platform of platforms” is instrumental in the propagation of goods and services on mobile apps, blogs, and websites. Our platform is driving the expansion of the online market in ways that are unprecedented through the various technology. The “platform of platforms” powers the entire process of growing your revenue stream and increasing your online customer’s base making the end-users open to abundant resources. All this is carried out with safety, security, and success as the driving motive.

The efficacy of such a platform is made possible by exporting through a channel that globally connects us all. The smartphone has not only become an everyday technology to possess but that of utmost necessity. Gone are the days when just the elite uses them, these days a toddler already knows its way around a smartphone, and how to navigate different applications. This is the next big thing; if you want to be the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, then you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity.

The Untapped Potential of the Market of the Mobile Phone Users

Billions of smartphone users execute numerous orders at the comfort of their mobile phones daily. All these users form a huge base of consumers, clients, and customers that are readily waiting to be satisfied with innovative solutions to their everyday challenges. This large customer base, in turn, will provide the ocean of revenue that online businesses can tap into to be profitable. The “platform of platforms” seeks to create a win-win deal that benefits everyone from those that create these mobile apps to those that use them, the ones that advertise their products on them, the ones that create contents for them, as well as, the B2C firms who are into the extensive mobile phone market.

Our custom platform is instrumental for mobile applications, and its benefits are superb. The sole purpose of the “platform of platforms” is to transform the contemporary way mobile applications scenery have been run for years, which has been dormant for way too long. Our custom platform is turning mobile apps world into a modern and more futuristic atmosphere and environment.

The ideology behind introducing such a stellate technology at this time is one of utmost necessity because as much as its services are ahead of its time, the global community should have been benefitting from this innovation already. The transformation it seeks to bring to the mobile community is one that adds value to everyone involved through the unique and unprecedented monetization strategy. The idea of monetizing the mobile economy is an achievement that is crucial for our time and to set the pace for the next digital age.

The Safety and Security of the Platform

The “platform of platforms” has advanced security on the operating system being used to run it. This is more vital as it is an essential requirement to be able to have such a technology that offers features and innovation for numerous clients from diverse fields of interest. The best way to establish such a platform is through the utilization of such hybrid architecture that makes our custom platform exceptional.

On our custom platform, customers can go through the right distribution without hassle, the consumers can access or purchase rights to the platform through recognized channels. If you are making efforts in transforming your online business, this custom platform is for you. By opting for the stability system that protects both parties from any form of insecurity that the market may be subjected to, at any point, your business can finally enjoy the boost it needs.

Why it is Dubbed “The Platform of Platforms”

The reason this product has done so well is that it inspires a strong pitch that wins over the early majority. These are the select few that are quick to test the nature and quality of new technologies. These investors seek to discover if new technologies are merely being paraded as passing fads, and also if they are what they claim to be and offer. However, once they see the value our custom platform begets, they are instantly won over. This makes them buy into the concept and increase their investment in order to make more profit.

Another smart way that the team of developers of this platform used to penetrate the market is by modulating the price of the custom platform. The price of the “platform of platforms” is revised to bring in the remaining consumers that are on an average budget but still desire the product. The unique way the team achieved that subsidization is through the reduction of the initial value-based levels.

Platform Upgrade through the Reinvestment of Resources

Nowadays, it is not so common to have a new product without bugs, or scalability problems. This is because having a fully ready platform for consumers is not something that is easily achievable, but it is not impossible. The team behind the creation of the “platform of platforms” has worked hard to make the innovation a successful one. The proceeds generated from the initial sales were further redirected into upgrading the custom platform into the best version possible.

The customer base of the platforms helps in integrating in-depth content marketing, brand awareness, referral programs, full-scale integration of big publishers and development platforms. Definitely, a part of the income generated also goes into operational costs, as well as, those for running and maintaining the infrastructure, general expenses, reserves, legal costs, which is groundbreaking as regards to the other segments of the global market.

            The team of professionals that worked hard to create such a remarkable platform has a strong motivation for bringing such a platform to life. Some of the key team members have faced several challenges in achieving success in their online businesses. While some have watched beloved clients and partners struggle to no end. This is the reason that stirred them to work tirelessly and give the world, the gift of the “platform of platforms” making online businesses successful and profitable.

Why Create New Revenue Streams?

Having multiple sources of revenue is one of the most effective ways of becoming rich. It’s difficult to become financially free with a job that pays the same salary and doesn’t promote you in years. Regardless of the type of job you do, having multiple streams of income is the way to go. This could be a blog, a website where you sell ads to people, or you could create a YouTube channel, and talk about the things you like, baking cakes on weekends and so on. There are a lot of things to do as a side job that could increase your earnings. The internet has made things really easy for everyone. In most cases, you don’t even need to leave your home before you earn some extra cash. You can slowly build your business or your platform, slowly growing your online traffic till you’re ready to monetize it.

However, the cases where some people do not have a need for multiple streams of revenue. This includes people that are already financially free, and do not have a need for some extra cash. There are many factors that could discourage people from wanting to explore additional ways of making money.

What Are The Benefits Of Having Multiple Revenue Streams?

Apart from making more money, there are other reasons for having multiple streams of revenue. Below are some of these reasons:

  • It’s easier to generate multiple small revenue producing streams, over a large one. As an illustration, it’s easier to develop three streams that generate $1000 each, as compared to one that makes $3000 at once. In addition, if the business that generates $3000 crashes, you’d back to nothing, but it’s impossible for 3 streams that generate $1000 each, to crash at the same time.
  • It provides financial security: People that have only one stream of income are always at risk. This is because they can lose their job, or business at any time, and would be left with nothing. On the other hand, losing one of your businesses just means that you’d get to focus on the ones you have left.
  • It keeps the soul alive: Doing something else, apart from what you do every day is refreshing. Making some money off is this would be icing on the cake. This also helps you to avoid boredom associated with your job.
  • Do what you love: Your side job that brings some revenue can also be something that interests you or your passion. As an illustration, there is a nurse that loves cooking. She decided to start a blog on cooking, and started putting up content every other day, and whenever she’s free. She did for many months, and she started getting a lot of traffic on her blog. She now sells ad spaces on her blog, because of the traffic she gets. She eventually had to quit her job, and focus on blogging, because it pays way more, and she would also have more time to put out more content.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Having Multiple Streams Of Revenue?

There are some few disadvantages of having multiple streams of revenue. Below are some of them:

  • It might get difficult managing the different streams of income, especially when it’s more than 2, or your main job takes a lot from you. In cases where your main job is very demanding, it’s best to choose a side job that is less demanding.
  • It requires a lot of effort and takes a lot of balancing to give the proper attention to the multiple streams of income that would lead to growth.
  • It might take a long time before the various streams of revenue to take off. This can be time wasting and energy consuming.

How To Create Multiple Streams Of Income

There are various ways of creating multiple streams of income. Below are some of them:

  1. Get a paper, and write down a service that you can offer, or a product you can sell. This could be anything, such as virtual assistant, freelance writer, baker, chef, swimming instructor and so on.
  2. After identifying what you can do. Look for ways you can develop yourself, and monetize in the long run. This could be by writing and selling books, courses, merchandise, coaching, advertising and so on.

Ways to Create Passive Income

  1. Freelance business: This is the type of job you can do on the side. You can also plan your time around it. A freelance means you can offer any service you’re capable of money. This includes freelance writing, telemarketing, virtual assistant, web designing, teaching your language and so on. This might be difficult initially, but you’d grow into it. There are people that live in freelance jobs. There is no limit to how much you can earn, as long as you’re ready to work.
  2. Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing works by signing up for a company, then selling their products. As an illustration, if you own a fashion website, you could become an affiliate of a design company. You can earn a lot of money by doing this. The more traffic your website gets, the more money you get paid. There are people that make millions of dollars just by affiliate marketing. The hard part of affiliate marketing is that it might take a while before you start getting a lot of traffic on your page. The best way to do this is by constantly putting great content on your page.
  • Investments: This is a great way of earning passive income. You don’t have to actively do anything, other than investing in the right things, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and so on. However, you should not do this unless you have a good knowledge of financial investment. If this is not the case, you should consult an investment banker, or your financial advisor, on how best to invest your money. These types of investments give monthly, quarterly or yearly returns.
  • Real estate: People make a lot of money fixing and flipping houses. However, you need to get some training, and some acquire some certificates in real estate.


5 Ways on How to Generate Revenue From Site Traffic – ContentMarketingUp. (2018). Retrieved from

Finding New Ways to Generate Revenue. (2018). Retrieved from

Generate Revenue Online – ways to build your online business. (2018). Retrieved from

How To Generate Money Online

Life increasingly gets more difficult to live without enough money, as compared to previous decades ago. Our parents could afford a lot of things with their minimum wage. However, things are not the same anymore, especially for those that living in developed countries such as the United States, United Kingdom and so on. Students are graduating with a lot of college and university debt that might take years and even decades to pay off. This is one of the reasons there is a need to make more money. The more money you make, the more comfortable your life is. One of the advantages of the 21st century is that it’s easier to make money, as compared to decades ago. People can remain in the comfort of their homes, and make millions of dollars, thanks to the internet.

There are thousands of ways to generate money online. In fact, a lot of people do have side jobs, that also brings them some income, and most of these side jobs are online. This piece highlights some ways to generate money online. Apart from this, you can also sell your products online, and using the internet to increase your sales. One of the ways of doing this is by hiring consultants that would make your website pop up on multiple searches online. The more people traffic you draw to your product and services, the more clients you get, and the more revenue you generate.

Ways To Generate Revenue Online

  1. Consulting: This is one of the ways people make money online, and still remain within their field. Consulting involves offering your service to people that would be willing to pay you, especially in a field you have an expertise in. People tend to undervalue what they have, but you’d never know until you try. As an illustration, there was an individual that created a blog and frequently pushed out content in a relatively unknown industry. Eventually, a company approached her to handle their social media and marketing. They offered to pay about $100 per hour. The best part is, you can always create time around your own schedule for this kind of side jobs. In addition, you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home. Mostly, what you need are a good internet and your computer.
  2. Online courses: This involves teaching others whatever skills you might have developed over the years, or preferably have certifications in. There are a lot of platforms that allow people to teach whatever skill they have. This could be anything, ranging from photography lessons, cooking, dancing, freelance writing and so on. The best part about these courses is that you’re paid per hour. There are two main factors that determine how much you earn. People with a degree certificate or Masters in that field tend to earn a lot. Some people might earn more than $100 per hour. While those that don’t have certificates in that field usually earn less. If you’re thinking you don’t have anything to teach, you’d be totally wrong. You can teach your language. There are websites that pay people to teach their language. This could be the English language, Russian, Mandarin, Spanish and so on. No matter your educational status, someone is willing to pay for what you know, and that’s the beauty of this present age.
  3. Podcasting: Podcasting is the process of creating content by recording audio discussions, and getting people to listen to them. People podcast a lot of things, including entertainment, religion, finance and so on. Podcasters earn a lot of money, especially those that have been able to grow a large following. The only way to grow a large following is by pushing out good content and being consistent with it. There are podcasters that make millions of dollars per year. This includes the revenue they get from the streaming platforms to the advertisements they release on the podcast. The best way to go about podcasting is to find something you enjoy talking about, carve a niche for yourself, then grow your audience, then monetize it. This might not be the easiest way to make money online, because of the different logistics involved, such as writing, recording, editing and releasing. However, it’s always worth it, the key is to enjoy doing it.
  • Freelance writing: People that have creating and writing skills have a lot of opportunities to make money online. There are many platforms out there that give one the ability to apply for different writing jobs and get paid. You can also create contents for other websites. There are a lot of people that make 6 figures revenue yearly, off writing for websites and consistently creating good content. The best way to go about freelance writing is to start, then develop your skills. The quality of your work would determine how much people would want to pay for it. You can also write in your field. If you work in the finance industry, then you should apply for websites that need freelance writers. Your expertise comes into play here, as you’d be familiar and even learn more while working for them and getting paid.
  • Sell ad space: This means advertising the products or services of other people on your page. However, to do this, you must have huge traffic on your page. The more people visit your page, the more you can make from selling ad space.
  • YouTube: YouTube is a platform that gives people to opportunity to push out video contents. The more views and subscribers you have, the more you get paid. You also get to advertise products and get paid for it. A lot of people are dabbling into this. There are people that make a review for various products which could range from cars, toys, movies, and so on. One of the highest earners on YouTube last year is a 7-year-old boy that makes YouTube reviews of toys. According to the report, he made over 22 million dollars in 2018. There is no limit to what you can do, or how much you can make. Just try to carve a niche for yourself, and push out good content.


5 Ways on How to Generate Revenue From Site Traffic – ContentMarketingUp. (2018). Retrieved from

Finding New Ways to Generate Revenue. (2018). Retrieved from

Generate Revenue Online – ways to build your online business. (2018). Retrieved from

How To Generate Revenue Online

The internet is an excellent platform for almost anything you want to do. It opens you or your business up to the whole world. Pre-internet, people would literally have to invest a lot in billboards, travel, to create awareness for their product. You can do this by just sitting down behind your computer, and reach millions of people. In addition, people now make a lot of money online, from doing different things online, such as constantly advertising their goods and products on social media and reaching an endless number of people, to putting their products up for sale on internet markets such as Amazon, eBay, without leaving the comfort of their homes, to freelancing and so on. The opportunities are endless, and this is the purpose of this article. To highlight the different ways you can generate money online, and also ways to boosts your profit online, if you have a business.

Ways Of Generating Online Regardless of if you’re just starting a new business model, or you’re looking for ways to improve the revenue of an already existing business, your main aim should be on how to boost your profit, and also increases your income. Below are some of the ways of going about this on the internet:
  1. Endeavor to sell your own productss: The best part of selling your own products is that you get to the entire profit to yourself. This gives an avenue for the most significant profit margin. In addition, you’d know the actual cost of making the product, and you can keep trying different price points until you find one that works best for you and your clients. In this case, all you need to ensure is that your product is good, and of value. You wouldn’t have to worry about the middleman that usually takes a chunk of the profit people make. You can always put up your products on the internet, as this is now your intermediary, and doesn’t cost as much as when you use an actual Overall, the value of your products will get people to keep purchasing your product.
  2. You can Sell your own Services: Not everyone has a product they can sell. There are some people that skilled and can advertise their services online. This is one of the fastest ways of getting jobs. As an illustration, legal consultants, real estate agents, plumbers, caterer, decorator, cinematographer, photographer and so can make a lot of profit from selling their services online. However, people that sell their products make more money, as compared to those that sell their services. This is because people that sell their services can only be in one place at a time. They can only do one thing at a time, and they can only stretch themselves so much. On the other hand, products can be shipped to different places at the same time. Selling a service demands that you spend time and effort to establish some sort of credibility with your client.
  3. Dropship Products: This applies when you don’t want to bother yourself with the troubles of shipping products to your customers. However, you can make use of drop shipping. Drop shipping eliminates tracking your inventory, setting up warehouse space and shipping out products and so on. Drop shipping provides these services, although you’d pay for them. Drop shipping helps to pack your order, brand-name products, and tracks and also drop the products to your customer, without you leaving your home.
  4. Sell Ad Space: You can sell ads also referred to an advertisement on your page. However, you can only do this when you have a lot of traffic on your web page. The high traffic on your page means that a lot of people visit your page. Some people have millions of people viewing their page, and in this case, they’re capable of making a lot of money by selling adverts on the page. Although people have platforms with a lot of traffic now, there would always be space for beginners. However, you should not rely on this, as your sole source of income, but as another source of income.
  5. Sponsored Post: You can make a lot of money if you have massive followers on social media platforms. Example of these types of platform includes Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and so on. People get paid thousands of dollars when advertising for people on their social media platforms, depending on the type of a number of following you have, and how many people get to see your page. Apart from getting paid for advertising products and services on your page, you also get free goods and services, depending on your term of the contract with the company you’d be advertising. This could be a massive addition to your monthly income.
  6. YouTube: YouTube is one of the ways of making money online. There are now many dollar millionaires who live on creating content on their YouTube channels. Apart from creating contents, they also advertise products and services in their videos, which also adds to their revenue. You can literally create any of content you want. There is a 7-year-old boy, Ryan that made a profit of 22 million dollars last year from making toy reviews. This might sound ridiculous, but it’s true. It’s quite unimaginable the kind of opportunities on the internet if only we’d be daring and patient enough.
  7. Podcasting: Podcasting is a good way of making money online and also increase your revenue. People make millions of dollars through adverts on their podcast. However, the main thing about podcasts is that you have to put out entertaining and informative contents. Apart from releasing great content to attract listeners and draw traffic to your page, you have to be consistent with this.
  8. Create a business with people that share has similar ideals with you: Joint ventures is usually more successful because it brings people together. It also combines their skills, resources, and However, be sure to have a contract, so there are no problems with your partners.
For example, if you want to own a niche in a platform of platforms and you offer commercial sewer drain cleaning services, consider buying the plumbing niche and selling to other plumbers who don’t serve your same area. A rising tide lifts all boats. Overall, your products and services need to have a huge presence online, if you want to increase your revenue significantly. The currency of web business is traffic. The more people see your product, the more revenue you’re likely to make.


5 Ways on How to Generate Revenue From Site Traffic – ContentMarketingUp. (2018). Retrieved from Finding New Ways to Generate Revenue. (2018). Retrieved from Generate Revenue Online – ways to build your online business. (2018). Retrieved from

Why Create Revenue Streams

One of the most effective ways of becoming rich and financially free is by having multiple streams of income. Relying on just one income isn’t very reliable, as anything can happen to your job or your business. A lot of people are now developing other skills, and creating products to boost their income. Developing and growing more than one source of income was difficult some years ago. However, the availability of the internet has made things incredibly easy. People now run blogs and other social media accounts while maintaining their day jobs. This might sound like a lot of work, but the long run benefit could be hugely rewarding. Just go into it knowing that it will require much consistency and endless patience.

While this sounds good, there are cases where people might not need to have more than one stream of revenue. This includes people that are satisfied with what they have, and don’t like to stress themselves.

Reasons Why You Might Not Need Multiple Revenue Streams

Even though this might be uncommon, there are cases where one might not need to have multiple streams of income. Below are some of the conditions:

  • If you’re financially independent and still have a full job: People who have become financially free, and still have a full-time job might not need to develop multiple revenue streams. Working a full-time job comes with enough stress already. Adding to this might take its tolls on one’s health.
  • Low unemployment rate: One of the reasons why people grow multiple revenue streams is to have something to fall back on, should they lose their current employment. Having multiple revenue streams is a form of financial security. However, you might not need to do this if the unemployment rate in your city or town is really low, as it would be easy for you to get another job.
  • Partner works full time: This applies to married people. You might have to reduce the number of hours you work when married and have kids. This is because there has to be balanced with work and maintaining a good relationship with your family. However, you can still develop multiple revenues from home, if you determine, without losing significant home time.
  • Job requirements: Some people have jobs that demand a lot of time, energy and dedication from them. Some of these types of jobs include police, medical doctors, and high-level workers in different industries. This set of people might not have enough free time to have a side job. However, they can always have passive ways of generating extra revenue.

Above are some of the reasons why some people might not consider generating multiple streams of revenue for themselves.

What’s The Main Aim of Having Multiple Streams of Revenue?

The purpose of becoming financially independent is to become financially independent. It gets to a point when we become old, and cannot work anymore. At this point, the investments and work we’ve done when we were young will start yielding, and we can comfortably live on them. The goal of a lot of people is to make as much as they can while they are young, so they don’t have to labor when they get older and still have children in colleges and universities.

Why DO People Have Multiple Streams Of Income?

  1. As earlier mentioned, one of the most common reasons people strive to have multiple streams of income is to become financially independent. Subsequently, they wouldn’t have to work, when they retire from their  Being financially free means you don’t have to think of money when buying the things you need. Some of the ways of doing this could also be by investing in yourself. This includes getting more education such as a Master’s degree, Ph.D., and so on. Having multiple streams of revenue means you’d have an emergency fund, insurance, and other financial protection tools saved up.
  2. Another reason why people choose to grow multiple streams of income is to fund their lifestyle. While some people are fine with driving average cars such as Toyota, Hondas and so on, some people like flashy cars such as the Ferraris, Range Rovers and so on, so having a different solid stream of revenue would be needed to fund this kind of lifestyle.
  3. To assist others: Some people like to help those in need. They give donations for causes such as charitable giving, political contributions, health aids and so on. A lot of time and money is needed for this to be done, and this is why some people might decide to grow their income in such a way that they’d still have some time to go about their activities and enjoy their lives.
  4. It gives flexibility: Being financially independent makes one flexible, especially with decision making. You would not have to stick to a job you hate doing if you’re financially independent. An industry worker that is financially independent will easily quit his/her job if it’s too demanding in order to focus on something he enjoys doing. It gives you the flexibility of doing whatever you want since money isn’t such a factor.
  5. It increases your network of friends: Having a side job opens you up to meeting more people, allowing you to enjoy a new circle of friends in a different industry. You can never tell how many of your new acquaintances would help you in your next career, or assist you with the big break you’ve always wanted.
  6. Satisfaction: Having multiple streams of revenue increases your chances of achieving financial independence in a more timely manner. Financial freedom gives you some sort of satisfaction that you wouldn’t get if you were still living from check to check, under the scrutiny of a boss that could fire you at any given moment.

Overall, it’s important to know that you shouldn’t allow job security stop you from developing multiple streams of revenue. You should earn as much as you can if you have the opportunity. If not for you, do it for people you can help with your new streams of income. However, balance is everything. You must find a way to maintain a good relationship with your family, keep healthy and also be satisfied with what you’re doing.


5 Ways on How to Generate Revenue From Site Traffic – ContentMarketingUp. (2018). Retrieved from

Finding New Ways to Generate Revenue. (2018). Retrieved from

Generate Revenue Online – ways to build your online business. (2018). Retrieved from

The Best Digital Marketing Platform

Get this Platform, and Let your Clients Cash their Winnings

Imagine all the coins you make while sitting idly on your couch can be physically cashed out into your local currency. It is entirely reasonable to develop an interest in games because they help in buy time during those moments we are moving from a place to another. For others, it is one of those things that give them happiness and satisfaction. Playing games with utmost dedication and seeing how much you have made is only tanked with the realization that it cannot be physically spent. That feeling is what brings some of us back to reality.

However, what if a custom platform can allow these coins become legal tenders and convertible into cryptocurrencies. Would it not make it a profound remuneration for gamers all over the world as everyone can make purchases and deals online with their winnings on the different games they enjoy. Remember how competitively people chase high scores and the bonus coins that comes with it. Imagine if all that was available in real-time and real currency.

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Did they say Diminishing Returns are Inevitable, not with our Custom Platform

Are you an app publisher or developer, or a content creator, or an online business owner, and you are tired of the diminishing returns that are accrued from the traditional revenue models? The mobile app developers constantly struggle with tying down their end users as it is merely normal for users to move from one app to another. It is even more challenging as developers need to get in as much money as possible before the users switch ships. It can be frustrating and unavoidable, but you need not look any further. The “platform of platforms” gives you that unique chance to use our innovation and add its special features into your mobile applications and websites. This is easily achievable based on the infrastructure already built in place by our custom platform.

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Have you ever had disputes online, and you’ve had to go through the various protocol of getting customer care, calls incessantly being made and the whole issue dragging for too long? Maybe you were even the developer who could not solve a minor problem because the infrastructure was not part of the app in the first place. Even with the sincerest intentions, you may still have experienced two users claiming different things happened and you are just lost and confused on what to do. Market research has shown that our platform helps to deal with all these issues seamlessly by using smart contracts provided from the beginning for content creators.

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All About Digital Marketing

It is quite easy for one to think of using high-quality content to draw traffic. Nowadays, there’s some truth to that but, there’s much more. When thinking of Google ranking, turning out an excellent article for superb internet marketing requires more sophistication in execution. There are great contents that lead to a link appearing very naturally within the content. The strength in that is to flow naturally with the topic of discussion. This is crucial in the promotion of the content and getting the readers to stay interested in the article. Engagement is a remarkable skill that is also vital, and being able to achieve it with people reading to the end is a great skill. This is why there is much more to releasing contents than hoping it simply goes viral.

The secrets that successful blogs and websites use in generating traffic are available, and they work. There are ways to get high-quality links from every article being released. This, in turn, focuses on ways to generate income through traffic creation to your contents. This is what startups and companies have used to develop their businesses online. One revolutionary method assists people who have other responsibilities to focus on, or those who are not privy to the technique. In fact, our “custom platform” also tagged “the platform of platforms” is a unique technology, which is capable of enhancing your traffic by as much as 100% in a period of 14 days.

Our custom platform can be used for mobile apps, blogs, and websites. The platform aims to accelerate the world market adoption of such technology across the globe by distributing them through a truly global technology such as the mobile phone. The “platform of platforms” powers the entire process and framework making its users open to resources that enables and provides systematic monitoring of the system. Also, it gives more features like a backup to an already fantastic platform. This is vital and an intrinsic part of the platform as it sets the pace and paves the way into the world of content creation and revenue generation on the internet.

B2B sites use such techniques to connects buyers to one another in order to do business. The content published on such websites attract all kinds of people, from wholesalers to retailers. The platform gives clients loyalty programs that benefit them in manners of support and consultations. This is a timely innovation and product that will transform the way you publish high-ranking content that drives income.

Smartphone users as well as those using computers, carry out a lot of commands from the comfort of their mobile phones daily, and this can be leveraged. Our platform seeks to create a win-win system that is of significant advantage to all players from the creators of the contents, to those who own the websites, to the ones that advertise on the sites. The world is evolving so fast, globalization of businesses is at such a rapid rate. People are in search of ways e-commerce, and its technologies can transform their businesses. Monetizing one’s content is a remarkable achievement in growing one’s business online, and this is crucial in surviving the evolution of the next digital age.

One of the challenges that online business faces are the diminishing returns that are practically inevitable as people are known to change their mobile applications after a while and stick to a few ones over time. Most app publishers or app developers are frustrated by this, as it is almost inevitable. Online businesses continuously struggle with tying down their end users, as it is merely normal for human beings to get bored and tired of things over a period. This makes them jump from one site to another one, quite often. It is even more challenging as creators need to get consumers for their product and services. However, this platform provides the unique opportunity to add the innovative features and technologies into the applications provided. This is fantastic as it alleviates the frustration and fears automatically. It is just like finding a cure to a once incurable disease.

Another fantastic advantage of the platform is that it comes with a welcome kit that enables advertisements, notifications, as well as, advanced functionalities, to be added to your website functions without any form of professionalism and prior experience. The beauty of that is that everything that this “platform of platforms” offers is already in operations by lots of franchises and organizations. Therefore, you only need to hit the ground, and everything runs smoothly from there.

However, imagine there was a platform that could offer the services of a smart contract for creators and publishers to deal with all these issues seamlessly with their clients using the platform. The platform has already put in place such a mechanism that allows excellent P2P transactions to take place as well. The best part is that one can still enjoy these benefits even if you are a newbie just starting to put contents online in search of your big break. There is adequate security accompanying the monetized online economy. The people that click on the commercialized links that are in your content can be directed to businesses they are interested in. The remarkable thing is that the trust level is equally high and safe. The content creators enjoy a system setup that is taken care of by a tested and secure system that uses an escrow system. The platform offers added advantages that give its users a significant level of trust through such a system.

So for anyone looking for that secret ingredient, special weapon, or deal breaker need not look further for any other innovation, the “platform of platforms” will boost your sales as well as your publicity. This is the treasure you have been looking for and to add the cherry on the icing on the cake, it delivers both vital elements remarkably. If you own a physical store, a brand, a franchise, or retail store, use this remarkable platform to maintain your growing customer base, and skyrocket your financial base.