Whether you are the private equity firm trying to validate an opportunity especially in the tech start up space or the biotech space or you are a start up trying to determine whether not you’re opportunity is solid and need big data to help you explain your valuation our professional tools are designed to shed light on the reality of market cap, demand, valuation, competition as well as identify gaps and opportunities for both private equity firm‘s and their clients
Big data tools for private equity
We leverage billions of points of data to provide real-time forecasting as well as past predictors to deliver a report that would allow for validation of a potential purchase or business opportunity both on the southside and the buy side
We leverage billions of points of data to provide real-time forecasting as well as past predictors to deliver a report that would allow for validation of a potential purchase or business opportunity both on the southside and the buy side
Our tools take an account the demand in real time for what people are consumers are looking for as well as potential services that are in demand as well we figure what the market cap is, volatility in the market for the last 12 months, seasonal trends, competitive landscape to the tune of tracking marketing spend in analyzing gaps between the competitors strategies
Our tools also identify opportunities that both by side and sell side may have never even thought of or seen adding value to the overall transaction often times are professional insight could change the multiples significantly
Leveraging big data for a private equity pitch deck
Many entrepreneurs and businesses looking to raise money lean into the private equity in venture-capital fields with great projections and I hope but very little real data from rocksolid technology and industries perspective. Anecdotal information and case studies are great but imagine if you could validate true demand as well as true competition and exploit any gaps to help increase your proposition.
Private equity validation tool using big data
Many of the firms we work with leverage our big data to validate opportunities prior to presentation saving them tons of time and money. Many opportunities sound great and move forward but to be found as nothing but a waste of time because there was no true validation in front of the presentation. Also many presentations or paychecks are thrown out because the private equity firm just doesn’t quite see the true value or opportunity and can leverage our big data to confirm or deny whether or not they can see opportunity beyond the pitch deck. We leverage multi billions of points Alongside our 20+ years of experience to help both buy and sell side opportunities come together.