Blogging has become an industry in itself and has yielded billions of dollars over the years. As compared to many years ago, people now take up blogging as a career. Blogging has made a lot of millionaires in dollars. However, this doesn’t just happen overnight, but requires good strategies in putting out contents, and also knowing what to focus on. Considering that there are now so many bloggers, it’s natural that there is heightened competitiveness in the blogging crowd.
Bloggers are investing a large sum of time and revenue into their content, so they can stand out. This means that scribbling some words inside your car, and publishing might not cut it anymore. You’d have to be strategic and calculative when you want to put out content. The purpose of this article is to point out ways of tripling your blog traffic with the use of technical SEO.
You’d have to do some set of things to improve your blog’s performance in search, things which the majority of bloggers tend to overlook. If you own a blog that is built off the back of a great brand and fantastic social media presence but hasn’t paid much attention to SEO, then this piece is ideal for you.
What Is Technical SEO?

This is one of the commonest questions people ask when they hear of SEO. In simple terms, SEO can be defined as anything that relates to things that impacts the performance of your blog and its relationship with search engine spiders. As an illustration, a blog that has a strong technical SEO foundation not only makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index its content, but it also ensures a significantly better user experience to its visitors.
Website performance and user experience have become one of the key factors in Google’s search engine ranking algorithms. The implication of this is that it doesn’t matter if you have a strong on-page and off-page SEO. You can’t rank well in search results without having a strong technical SEO foundation.
Below are some of the ways you can build a strong technical SEO:
- You Should Host Your Blogs On Reliable And Secure Servers: This is one of the most important things you should consider. The quality of your website’s hosting service is one thing you shouldn’t compromise on. Your server can be likened to the engine that keeps everything moving on your blog. Your server has to be reliable, strong and secure. In addition, it has to be up to the latest performance standard. Blogs that are hosted on insecure or weak servers would adversely affect the performance measure of your blog. A poor server is usually vulnerable to viruses, hackers, and there is also a high chance of losing your data. In addition, situations where your hosting servers go down frequently, and for a long duration can badly affect your rankings. As earlier mentioned, blogs that rely on poor servers can be easily hacked, which can lead to the blog being blacklisted or removed from all search results.
- Optimize Your Blog’s TTFB And Content Load Speed:
One of the things you focus on is to provide a simple and easy user experience to its searchers, which it comes down hard on slow and poorly optimized websites, even when they have great content. Google penalized some websites that were poorly optimized some years back, even some of them had great content. They officially declared page load speed as one of the ranking factors. They make use of various parameters in checking the performance of a website. They specifically check the time to the first byte, which is the average time it would take for the first byte of your website data to load. However, there are some ways you can boost the speed up your blog’s load:
- Making use of a content delivery network will improve your website’s performance.
- Optimizing the image and visual content on your blog by making use of free image compression WordPress plugins
- You should only use essential WordPress plugins and delete any files that are not needed from your servers.
- Make Use Of A Responsive Blog Theme
With the rate of technological advancement in recent years, most people carrying out the bulk of their internet activities on their mobile devices. This is why you’d be doing yourself a lot of disservices if your blog isn’t mobile friendly. Studies have shown that more than 50% of online searches are done on mobile devices, which is why Google gives a lot of preference to mobile-friendly sites in its search results. However, you must know that just because your site is accessible from a mobile device doesn’t make it mobile friendly. A blog that is mobile friendly would have some responsive designs that adjust automatically for different devices.
- Build A Crawl-Friendly Site Architecture
This has to do with the number of clicks it takes to get to the content on your blog. If it’s more than 3 to 4 clicks, Google spiders will take longer to crawl your website and index your content. These spiders make use of internal links on your blog to identify and index relevant pages. You can make the job of the spiders easier by categorizing your content in a way that no blog post is more than 4 clicks away from the home page. As an illustration, there are a lot of blogs on Freelance and SEO, which is why you should make it easy for Google spiders to crawl your page and index content.
- You Should Remove Any Duplicate Content On Your Blog
There is a difference between having duplicated and copied contents on your page. Google penalizes websites or blogs that copy content from other websites. Doing this may cost you a lot of traffic, because of duplicate content on your blog.
- Eliminate Crawl Errors on Your Blog
The main purpose of having a technical SEO is to make the job of Google spiders easy and simple. This is why you must eliminate any crawl errors that might prevent Google from indexing your content.
How to 3x Your Blog Traffic with Technical SEO. (2019). Retrieved from
How to Triple your Blog Traffic in 10 Minutes NO SEO Skills Required. (2019). Retrieved from
SEO, H. (2019). How to 3x Your Blog Traffic with Technical SEO – SEO NEWS. Retrieved from